Sarah Auerbach
Senior Consultant
PhD & MSc Psychology
T +41 44 380 22 44

After her stud­ies in psy­cho­logy, which led to a doc­tor­ate with a focus on psy­cho­lo­gic­al dia­gnostics and per­son­al­ity psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, Sarah Auerbach star­ted work at the Lu­cerne Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences and Arts. There she sup­por­ted or­gan­isa­tions across a vari­ety of sec­tors in their de­vel­op­ment pro­jects and change pro­cesses (e.g. de­vel­op­ment and ad­apt­a­tion of the cor­por­ate health strategy, lead­er­ship, health pro­mo­tion) and de­signed tools for em­ploy­ee sur­veys. There­after, she joined the de­part­ment of Human Re­sources Man­age­ment at the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al Zurich as an or­gan­isa­tion­al con­sult­ant, where, among other things, she de­veloped and led the in­tern­al lead­er­ship pro­gramme, per­son­nel dia­gnost­ic port­fo­lio and tal­ent man­age­ment ini­ti­at­ives. In ad­di­tion to that, for the past 15 years she worked as a lec­turer, cor­por­ate train­er and work­shop fa­cil­it­at­or. She joined papilio in Decem­ber 2022 as a Seni­or Con­sult­ant cov­er­ing As­sess­ment and Tal­ent Ad­vis­ory. In her free time, she is pas­sion­ate about all forms of cul­tur­al pur­suits and, among other activ­it­ies, per­forms as a singing act­ress for the Seefeld Music Theatre.

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