Digital Talent Platform

Our Digital Talent Platform supports the hiring and development of your talents along the entire Talent Cycle.

Our Digital Talent Platform

Plan & Transform

Our talent platform serves as a foundation for the imple­men­tation of your competency or capability framework. Plan your talent strategies to build your reputation on the market while developing & retaining your talents.

Assess & Join

Our platform supports the entire recruitment process and assessment of your talents. Customise the process according to your needs. Embed personality questionnaires & ability tests and combine them with a Competency-based interview or Case Study.

Develop & Grow

Our platform supports the entire talent development process. Conduct an Individual- or Group Development Center or get insights on development initiatives with the embedded 360° Feedback solution.

We can offer

Web-based & Global

Web-based platform that makes global setup and execution possible.


Implement your own Competency Framework, Interview Questions, Online Assessments, Case Studies or 360° process.


Optimise your processes with our Digital Talent Platform. Save time during Set-up, Execution & Reporting with predefined templates.

Candidate experience

Excellent digital candidate experience – including opportunities for Employer Branding (Example Welcome-Video).


The serv­ers of our talent platform are loc­ated in Switzer­land, thereby guar­an­tee­ing a stable serv­er per­form­ance.


The data is well pro­tec­ted and stored in ISO-certified data centres in Switzerland. The plat­form con­sist­ently scores highly in IT risk as­sess­ments.

Our platform supports the entire recruitment process and assessment of your talents. Customise the process according to your needs. 


Define the set of competencies

Define the competencies & behavioural indicators which are crucial for your open position. Choose the interview questions relevant for your competencies.


Online Assessment & Interviews

To assess your talents, set-up an online assessment based on personality, cognitive and other abilities and combine it with an interview, case-study or roleplay simulations.


Report & Feedback

Download all results into one report that shows the talents’ competencies on job-relevant dimensions. Proves very convenient for a feedback to the candidate and development initiatives.

Our platform supports along the entire talent development process. Conduct an Individual or Group Development Center with «enAC», a user-friendly solution to digitalise your processes: Simple and intuitive handling for candidates and evaluators at any time.

HR & Management

In the role of the HR or as a line manager, you are able to conveniently order your standard assessments online. enAC enables you to see the status of the booking and compare your candidates.

  • Ordering
  • Individual Results
  • Candidate Comparison
  • Feedback and Coordination
  • Benchmark


Enhance the candidate experience by handing out a tablet with modern exercises to your candidates. In addition you also save lots of paper.

  • Individual Schedules
  • Role Plays and Case Studies
  • Interview
  • Integrated note taking functionality
  • 3rd Party tools
  • Multiple Choice Questionnaires


Assessors are presented with their individual program right after logging in. They can go directly into the scheduled exercises, take notes, rate and evaluate.

  • Personal Schedules
  • Electronic Notes
  • Interview Guide
  • Observation Sheets
  • Automated Integration
  • Reporting


Use our platform independently for your assessments. Decide whether you would like to use predefined content or if you would like to fill the system with your competencies, rating scales, etc.

  • Global Setup
  • Rating Scales
  • Competencies
  • Exercises
  • CBI Questions
  • Logins

HR & Management

In the role of the HR or as a line manager, you are able to conveniently order your standard assessments online. enAC enables you to see the status of the booking and compare your candidates.

  • Ordering
  • Individual Results
  • Candidate Comparison
  • Feedbacks and Coordination
  • Benchmark


Increase the candidate experience by handing out a tablet with modern exercises to your candidates. In addition you also save lots of paper.

  • Individual Schedules
  • Role Plays and Case Studies
  • Interview
  • Integrated note taking functionality
  • 3rd Party tools
  • Multiple Choice Questionnaires


Assessors are presented with their individual program right after logging in. They can go directly into the scheduled exercises, take notes, rate and evaluate.

  • Personal Schedules
  • Electronic Notes
  • Interview Guide
  • Observation Sheets
  • Automated Integration
  • Reporting


Use our platform independently for your assessments. Decide whether you would like to use pre defined content or if you would like to fill the system with your competencies, rating scales, etc.

  • Global Setup
  • Rating Scales
  • Competencies
  • Exercises
  • CBI Questions
  • Logins

HR & Management

In the role of the HR or as a line manager, you are able to conveniently order your standard assessments online. enAC enables you to see the status of the booking and compare your candidates.

  • Ordering
  • Individual Results
  • Candidate Comparison
  • Feedbacks and Coordination
  • Benchmark


Increase the candidate experience by handing out a tablet with modern exercises to your candidates. In addition you also save lots of paper.

  • Individual Schedules
  • Role Plays and Case Studies
  • Interview
  • Integrated note taking functionality
  • 3rd Party tools
  • Multiple Choice Questionnaires


Assessors are presented with their individual program right after logging in. They can go directly into the scheduled exercises, take notes, rate and evaluate.

  • Personal Schedules
  • Electronic Notes
  • Interview Guide
  • Observation Sheets
  • Automated Integration
  • Reporting


Use our platform independently for your assessments. Decide whether you would like to use pre defined content or if you would like to fill the system with your competencies, rating scales, etc.

  • Global Setup
  • Rating Scales
  • Competencies
  • Exercises
  • CBI Questions
  • Logins

HR & Management

In the role of the HR or as a line manager, you are able to conveniently order your standard assessments online. enAC enables you to see the status of the booking and compare your candidates.


Increase the candidate experience by handing out a tablet with modern exercises to your candidates. In addition you also save lots of paper.


Assessors are presented with their individual program right after logging in. They can go directly into the scheduled exercises, take notes, rate and evaluate.


Use our platform independently for your assessments. Decide whether you would like to use pre defined content or if you would like to fill the system with your competencies, rating scales, etc.

Your added value

For HR & Management

Eas­ily order and eval­u­ate the as­sess­ments, find out the status of the as­sess­ment and view the final res­ults, at any time and with just a few clicks.

For Talents

User-friendly and mov­ing with the times. Your par­ti­cipants will re­ceive per­son­al­ised ac­cess to enAC.

For Observers

Work pro­fes­sion­ally from any­where. Thanks to our ex­pert­ise, you can carry out high-qual­ity as­sess­ments with enAC. You will also have on­line ac­cess to all doc­u­ments.

For Administrators

Tail­or enAC to your needs. Thanks to the in­teg­rat­ive im­ple­ment­a­tion, you can eas­ily store your company's in­tern­al con­tent.

Please reach out to Taliza Eicher to learn more about our Digital Talent Platform
Project | Product Manager Digital Solutions & UX Designer | Diploma in Marketing Management (HTS)
T +41 44 380 22 44
Please reach out to Taliza Eicher to learn more about our Digital Talent Platform
Project | Product Manager Digital Solutions & UX Designer | Diploma in Marketing Management (HTS)
T +41 44 380 22 44

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about papilio’s solu­tions, or are you in­ter­ested in an in­di­vidu­al offer? Com­plete the form below and we will con­tact you shortly.

Contact Form - EN