Excellence in People Growth

We provide tailor-made, effective and seamless services & solutions along with strategic talent advisory by combining our psychological expertise with digital innovation.

Graphic Unlocking Talent Potential

Talent Solutions

Let us transform your Talent Challenges into Competitive Advantages.

We analyse, revise and create tools to help you build a strong foundation for your talent strategy implementation.

We support you in your efforts to become a talent magnet and integrate new people in the organisation.

We look at how you can develop and retain your talents and create tools for effective and sustainable talent growth.

Digital Talent Plattform

enAC is a fully web-based plat­form which sup­ports every phase of an As­sess­ment or De­vel­op­ment Cen­ter via a tab­let or a laptop/desktop. Thanks to enAC, every­one from HR, man­age­ment, as­sessors, can­did­ates and ad­min­is­trat­ors can be on the same page and move with the times.

Web-based & Global

Web-based platform that makes global setup and execution possible.

Customisable according to your needs

Competency Framework, Interview Questions, Online Assessments, Case studies or 360° processes.


Optimise your processes with our Digital Talent Platform. Save time during set-up, execution & reporting with predefined templates.

Candidate experience

Excellent digital candidate experience – including opportunities for Employer Branding (example welcome-video).


The serv­ers of our talent platform are loc­ated in Switzer­land, thereby guar­an­tee­ing a stable serv­er per­form­ance.


The data is well pro­tec­ted and stored in ISO-certified data centres in Switzerland. The plat­form con­sist­ently scores highly in IT risk as­sess­ments.

Customer Testimonials

Patrick Wolf

Head HR:

«When it comes to management or development assessments, the selection of recruitment procedures or senior coaching, we are happy to rely on papilio’s expertise. Quality that convinces.»

Kevin Hinder

Co-Founder, CEO:

«We would like to thank papilio for their commitment and professionalism. As a sparring partner, they supported and guided us in the development of a time-sensitive recruitment process. We value the partnership-based collaboration with papilio and look forward to being able to count on their expertise in the future.»

Marten Baumann

Manager Corporate & International Recruitment:

«The interaction with papilio has always been extremely smooth, responsive and proactive. We appreciate papilio for consistently delivering highest quality work – a true added-value.»



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Would you like to know more about papilio’s solu­tions, or are you in­ter­ested in an in­di­vidu­al offer? Com­plete the form below and we will con­tact you shortly.

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