Our Assessments
Our Assessments allow you to identify individuals who are best suited to your corporate culture and to the requirements of the specific role.
- They usually last a full day, assessing up to 6 competencies.
- The report includes an overview of all competency ratings as well as the candidate's most important strengths and development areas.
- In addition, you will find a written summary followed by detailed behavioral descriptions, sorted by competency.
- The package includes a 90-minute feedback session with one of the assessors.
- This can be combined with individual coaching sessions, individual or group training, or a 360° feedback to further develop specific competencies.
- Available in English, German, French and Italian. The final report can be translated into several languages.

Whether you are looking for graduates, first time or middle managers, specialists or executives: with a wide range of tailor-made assessment solutions, we can offer
targeted support to optimise your hiring process.
Executive Assessments
The Executive Assessments are specifically designed for Executives, C-Level and board members.
Senior Assessments
The Senior Assessments are specifically designed for Senior Leaders and Experts.
The Assessments are specifically designed for Team Managers and Specialists
- digital platform for the paperless planning and implementation of group and individual assessments
- Interactive reports support comparison between candidates and feedback discussions
- papilios digital talent allows you to run reporting, benchmarking, and analysis
Your added value
The project as well as the reports are customizable to your needs.
We ensure an efficient and time-saving process.
We continuously invest to keep our knowledge and skills at the highest level of proficiency.
Comparing Candidates
Interactive reports ensure an organised overview of all candidates, making them comparable.

Please reach out to Kristian Born to learn more
Please reach out to Kristian Born to learn more

Virtual Talent Review
The Virtual Talent Review (VTR) consists of a set of different online exercises to efficiently and accurately assess candidates and employees. Best suited for experts and future leaders.
2 Analytical Tests
Personality Questionnaire
SWOT Analysis
Online Business Simulation
Project- or Leadership meeting
The VTR consists of a compilation of different exercises, questionnaires and online tests to quickly and reliably identify talent.
The VTRs are all conducted completely remotely and online.
The report is discussed with the candidate in a personal, half-hour feedback meeting.
The results are evaluated by an assessor and shown in a detailed report along behaviour-based indicators and key competencies. The interactive form of the report allows you to display relevant information and compare people easily.
2 Analytical Tests
Personality Questionnaire
SWOT Analysis
Online Business Simulation
Project- or Leadership Meeting
- Short Talent Review
1 Consultant | 4 Competencies
- Talent Review Professionals
1 Consultant | 5 Competencies | Roleplay
- Talent Review Leadership
1 Consultant | 5 Competencies | Roleplay
Your added value
Fair & Reliable
Identifies performance and development potential quickly, reliably and fairly.
Flexible & Seamless
Conducted completely remotely and ensures a hassle-free engagement for you and the participant.
Reporting Options
A wide variety of reporting options are available for different purposes.
All participants are provided with the opportunity to receive feedback from assessors in order kick-start development.

Please reach out to Kristian Born to learn more
Please reach out to Kristian Born to learn more

ADEPT-15 – Personality Questionnaire
Our innovative, scientifically sound and award-winning personality questionnaire ADEPT-15 precisely captures a person’s individual work-related characterisics and associated behavioural tendencies by using the latest adaptive technology for a dfferentiated measurement of work-related personality within your online assessment.
The results will indicate
- individual strengths
- areas of development
- leadership potential
- digital readiness
- virtual worker
- risk and safety behaviour

The online assessment procedures are
- valid
- adaptive
- forgery-proof
- short (only about 25 minutes)
- strongly empirically evidenced for practical use
The differentiated work-related personality profile helps you to identify suitable talents for your company and to promote employees.
Your added value
Scientifically Based
The questionnaire is based on the established Big 5 personality model.
Innovative Measurement
The innovative forced choice response format prevents faking and socially desirable response behavior.
Reporting Options
A wide variety of reporting options are available for different purposes.
Valid Decision Support
Case studies indicate that performance, fit, and engagement can be increased when using it as the basis for recruitment.
vidAssesses – Asynchronous Video Interview
vidAssesses – Asynchronous Video Interview
Whether as supplement to a Personality Questionnaire and Ability Tests or as stand-alone Assessment, the innovative video interview tool vidAssess allows your recruitment process to move with the times. This time-saving method allows you to get to know your candidates better, on a personal level without losing time to schedule a date.
The vidAssess tool has several advantages:
- it is available 24 hours per day
- it saves time and resources for both recruiters and candidates as no scheduling is involved
- recruiters can view the interview more than once
- no interviewer behavior affecting applicants
- it positions your employer branding through the use of state-of-the-art technology
- high level of structure and consistency

How it works
Up to 10 individually created interview questions (including virtual case studies) measure predefined competencies.
The questions are presented to the candidates one at the time.
One or multiple rater(s) are able to rate the answers based on the relevant predefined competencies.
The results can be reported on different levels (e.g., single average score, area-score, criteria score, question-score).

views – Motivational Questionnaire
Motivated employees are a decisive success factor in today’s working environment. However, it is prudent to recognize individual differences and identifying the motivational factors unique to your talents.
- The questionnaire views captures an individual's workplace values, motives and environmental needs
- While personality questionnaires report how a person prefers to work, "views" reveals what kind of environment is required in order to perform and thrive.
- Use the insight gained to reach well-informed decisions about your personnel, and identify new hires who fit your corporate culture.
- Utilise our motivational questionnaire to identify sources of motivation and the environments where individuals can fully unleash their potential.

scales – Ability Tests
Decades of research consistently highlight the key role of cognitive skills in professional success. Recent studies note evolving insights into cognitive test validity, suggesting potential limitations (Sackett et al 2023). Numerous case studies and scientific research indicate that cognitive ability tests are among the most valid predictors of job performance. The use of objective procedures counteracts cognitive bias and improves the fairness of the selection process.
Our portfolio provides a wide range of ability and skills tests
- Numerical Tests
- Verbal reasoning
- Numerical reasoning
- Specific Cognitive Tests
- Language Tests

Our assessments are designed to be resistant to cheating and independent of specific hardware, ensuring suitability for unsupervised online completion.
- Our approach considers the nuanced context of the individual and the evolving nature of assessment methodologies.
- Utilize our cognitive ability tests for an objective, fair, and dependable assessment of your candidates' potential, perfect for efficient pre-selection.
- Enable a cutting-edge candidate experience by assessing cognitive performance in a brief timeframe.
Your added value
Reliable, Valid and Fair Decision
Cognitive ability tests continue to be extensively employed due to their efficiency and objectivity, distinguishing them from alternative methods.
Scientifically Based Procedures
They are based on the established CHC model of general mental ability and cover various relevant aspects of cognitive performance.
Innovative Processes and Adaptive Technology
Tamper-proof because the individual items are created by item generators during processing.
Optimised Candidate Experience
Attractive tests, intuitive operation and direct feedback improve the candidate experience.
Realistic Job Previews
Making suitable candidates aware of your own company and positioning yourself as an attractive employer is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the recruitment process. Our “Realistic Job Preview” tool delivers a realistic insight into everyday work situations even before the application is submitted.
Candidates choose how they would react in given situations. They receive immediate feedback on how well they fit the company and the position. Good fits are directly taken to the job advertisement. You receive a selection of more relevant applications. Save money and time!
The Realistic Job Preview is used as:
- an insight into a realistic day at work and your corporate culture
- a preliminary stage of an online assessment.

Your added value
Predicting Job Performance
Online assessments help predict the candidates’ future job performance, future work behavior and enable higher hiring and promotion quality.
Ensuring Fairness
Standardised, objective and scientifically proven methods ensure a fair recruitment process for all candidates while also improving candidate experience.
Measuring Reliably
Online assessments like personality questionnaires and cognitive ability tests are scientifically sound and deliver reliable results.
Cost Effective
Due to the online based, broadly applicable and independent execution, online assessments can be conducted easily and fast at an attractive price.