Petra Pätzold-Grünwald

Petra Pätzold-Grün­wald com­pleted her stud­ies in Ap­plied Psy­cho­logy, spe­cial­iz­ing in Work & Or­gan­iz­a­tion­al Psy­cho­logy with a Mas­ter of Sci­ence de­gree. In ad­di­tion to that, she also has com­pleted spe­cial­ized train­ing courses in team- and lead­er­ship-coach­ing, re­si­li­ence, in­di­vidu­al psy­cho­logy, and adult edu­ca­tion. She also de­veloped a solid pro­fes­sion­al back­ground in the busi­ness sec­tor, where she was […]

Fabian Demuth

Bild: Fabian Demuth

Fa­bi­an De­muth com­pleted his Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, where man­aged to build up the ini­tial the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge on as­sess­ments and people man­age­ment. Hav­ing gradu­ated from uni­ver­sity, he worked as a ju­ni­or con­sult­ant for the con­sult­ing firm en­ergy fact­ory in St. Gal­len, cov­er­ing the areas of lead­er­ship con­sult­ing and ex­ec­ut­ive […]

Lia Leutenegger

Bild: Lia Leutenegger

As part of her Bach­el­or’s De­gree at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, Lia Leu­teneg­ger en­gaged in work and or­gan­iz­a­tion­al psy­cho­logy as well as in the stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is of em­ploy­ee se­lec­tion pro­cesses. For her bach­el­or’s thes­is, she re­searched the con­struct valid­ity of as­sess­ment cen­ters and is cur­rently com­plet­ing her in­tern­ship at papilio. In ad­di­tion to de­liv­er­ing as­sess­ment […]

Claudia Vinsent

Bild: Claudia Vinsent

Claudia Vin­sent be­ne­fits from a rich in­ter­na­tion­al back­ground en­com­passing both re­search and con­sult­ing with­in the oc­cu­pa­tion­al and or­gan­iz­a­tion­al psy­cho­logy space. She com­pleted her Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Man­age­ment Psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Not­ting­ham. Dur­ing her stud­ies, she wrote her thes­is on Emo­tion­al In­tel­li­gence, Or­gan­iz­a­tion­al Justice and crit­ic­al work out­comes which was pub­lished in the […]

Bettina Waller

Bild: Bettina Waller

Bet­tina Wall­er com­pleted her Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich and be­came in­volved in per­son­nel se­lec­tion and de­vel­op­ment early on in her ca­reer. In ad­di­tion to her stud­ies, she worked as an as­sessor and con­duc­ted in­tens­ive re­search on as­sess­ment cen­ters. With her work she won the in­ter­na­tion­al ad­vance­ment award of the […]

Guillaume Python

Dur­ing his time at the Uni­ver­sity of Neuchâtel, Guil­laume Py­thon stud­ied vari­ous as­pects of the world of work, such as the im­pact of com­mu­nic­a­tion, er­go­nom­ics and busi­ness con­sultancy in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al en­vir­on­ment. He has par­ti­cip­ated in a num­ber of pro­jects deal­ing with se­lec­tion in­ter­views, burnout and with the in­flu­ence of emo­tions in ne­go­ti­ations. Cur­rently, at […]

Malin Bleisch

Bild: Malin Bleisch

Hav­ing com­pleted her Mas­ter­’s De­gree in So­cial-, Or­gan­iz­a­tion­al-, and Busi­ness Psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, Malin Bleisch star­ted her pro­fes­sion­al ca­reer in the field of re­cruit­ment, as­sess­ment and tal­ent man­age­ment. As a seni­or con­sult­ant at Mer­curi Urval, she sup­por­ted many na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al cli­ents with the en­tire re­cruit­ment pro­cess and con­duc­ted a large num­ber of […]

Sarah Auerbach

Bild: Sarah Auerbach

After her stud­ies in psy­cho­logy, which led to a doc­tor­ate with a focus on psy­cho­lo­gic­al dia­gnostics and per­son­al­ity psy­cho­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Zurich, Sarah Auerbach star­ted work at the Lu­cerne Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Sci­ences and Arts. There she sup­por­ted or­gan­isa­tions across a vari­ety of sec­tors in their de­vel­op­ment pro­jects and change pro­cesses (e.g. de­vel­op­ment […]

Patrik Niederer

Bild: Patrick Niederer

Pa­trik Nie­de­rer ab­sol­vier­te sei­nen Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Psy­cho­lo­gie an der Uni­ver­si­tät Zü­rich, wo er sein Wis­sen be­reits in ei­ni­gen Mo­du­len zum Thema As­sess­ments und Eig­nungs­dia­gno­s­tik ver­tie­fen konn­te. Ne­ben­bei ar­bei­te­te er als Sta­ti­ons­se­kre­tär in einer Pri­vat­kli­nik für Psych­ia­trie und Psy­cho­the­ra­pie und stärk­te dort seine Fä­hig­keit im Kun­den­kon­takt und in der Ar­beit mit an­de­ren Be­rufs­grup­pen. Bei […]

Tanya Ardabili

Bild: Tanya Ardabil

Tanya Ar­da­bi­li stu­dier­te Be­tiebs­wirt­schafts­leh­re und schloss ihren Mas­ter in Ar­beits- & Or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons­psy­cho­lo­gie am Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don ab. Sie ver­fügt über Wei­ter­bil­dun­gen am IAP/ZHAW und der Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge. Nach ihrem Stu­di­um stieg sie di­rekt in das HR bei Uni­le­ver in Ham­burg im Be­reich HR-Trans­for­ma­ti­on ein. Auch im An­schluss an ihr Mas­ter­stu­di­um war sie wei­ter­hin bei […]

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