Fabian Demuth

Fabian Demuth completed his Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Zurich, where managed to build up the initial theoretical knowledge on assessments and people management. Having graduated from university, he worked as a junior consultant for the consulting firm energy factory in St. Gallen, covering the areas of leadership consulting and executive […]
Lia Leutenegger

As part of her Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Zurich, Lia Leutenegger engaged in work and organizational psychology as well as in the statistical analysis of employee selection processes. For her bachelor’s thesis, she researched the construct validity of assessment centers and is currently completing her internship at papilio. In addition to delivering assessment […]
Claudia Vinsent

Claudia Vinsent benefits from a rich international background encompassing both research and consulting within the occupational and organizational psychology space. She completed her Master of Science in Management Psychology at the University of Nottingham. During her studies, she wrote her thesis on Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Justice and critical work outcomes which was published in the […]
Alessia Callegari

Alessia studied Psychology and specialized in Organizational Psychology at the university of Düsseldorf. She has previous work experience in the fields of Learning and Development and in Leadership Trainings coordination. At papilio she supports the French-speaking side of the business in advisory projects and in conducting Assessment and Development.
Guillaume Python
During his time at the University of Neuchâtel, Guillaume Python studied various aspects of the world of work, such as the impact of communication, ergonomics and business consultancy in an organizational environment. He has participated in a number of projects dealing with selection interviews, burnout and with the influence of emotions in negotiations. Currently, at […]
Malin Bleisch

Having completed her Master’s Degree in Social-, Organizational-, and Business Psychology at the University of Zurich, Malin Bleisch started her professional career in the field of recruitment, assessment and talent management. As a senior consultant at Mercuri Urval, she supported many national and international clients with the entire recruitment process and conducted a large number of […]
Sarah Auerbach

After her studies in psychology, which led to a doctorate with a focus on psychological diagnostics and personality psychology at the University of Zurich, Sarah Auerbach started work at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. There she supported organisations across a variety of sectors in their development projects and change processes (e.g. development […]
Patrik Niederer

Patrik Niederer absolvierte seinen Master of Science in Psychologie an der Universität Zürich, wo er sein Wissen bereits in einigen Modulen zum Thema Assessments und Eignungsdiagnostik vertiefen konnte. Nebenbei arbeitete er als Stationssekretär in einer Privatklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie und stärkte dort seine Fähigkeit im Kundenkontakt und in der Arbeit mit anderen Berufsgruppen. Bei […]
Tanya Ardabili

Tanya Ardabili studierte Betiebswirtschaftslehre und schloss ihren Master in Arbeits- & Organisationspsychologie am University College London ab. Sie verfügt über Weiterbildungen am IAP/ZHAW und der University of Cambridge. Nach ihrem Studium stieg sie direkt in das HR bei Unilever in Hamburg im Bereich HR-Transformation ein. Auch im Anschluss an ihr Masterstudium war sie weiterhin bei […]