
papilio shares its know­ledge, also on the web. On our web­site you will find a se­lec­tion of trends, pub­lic­a­tions, stud­ies, sci­entif­ic art­icles and re­ports on cur­rent is­sues in the area of our core com­pet­ence. Find out more, broaden your ho­ri­zons, con­tact us: we are look­ing for­ward to an in­sight­ful per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion with you.

Online Solutions

Provid­ing feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­text holds many be­ne­fits – it not only in­creases the in­di­vidu­al’s per­form­ance via ini­ti­at­ing de­vel­op­ment ac­tions, but it also fosters a cul­ture of trans­par­ency and feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion. Con­sid­er­ing feed­back from vari­ous per­spect­ives, known as 360° feed­back, can mul­tiply the be­ne­fi­cial fea­tures of feed­back, es­pe­cially when the com­pre­hens­ive res­ults are fa­cil­it­ated with a pro­fes­sion­al feed­back coach. papilio’s 360° feed­back solu­tion provides an all-in­clus­ive ser­vice to eval­u­ate, ana­lyse and de­vel­op rel­ev­ant com­pet­en­cies for in­di­vidu­als and com­pan­ies look­ing to en­cour­age tal­ent de­vel­op­ment. 

At papilio we be­lieve that people are a com­pany’s most valu­able asset. It is key to the com­pany’s suc­cess that it can main­tain a good repu­ta­tion on the mar­ket, at­tract tal­en­ted in­di­vidu­als and de­vel­op those already doing a good job for the or­gan­isa­tion.

But that is just the be­gin­ning!

We also need our em­ploy­ees to be mo­tiv­ated and en­gaged, enough to stay with the or­gan­isa­tion over time. We want our lead­ers to in­spire oth­ers and drive change in a VUCA world, set a good ex­ample for oth­ers and cre­ate work­ing con­di­tions that live up to the new gen­er­a­tion’s ex­pect­a­tions.

The mar­ket has changed from an em­ploy­er­’s mar­ket to an em­ploy­ee’s mar­ket and the war of tal­ent puts new de­mands on busi­nesses to de­liv­er what they prom­ise. Since it’s harder to re­cruit people from the out­side, it dra­mat­ic­ally raises the im­port­ance of de­vel­op­ing and tak­ing care of the people on the in­side.

Those are the people who will be­come to­mor­row’s lead­ers.

If your job ap­plic­ants can choose freely among nu­mer­ous of­fers, why should they join you?
If your cur­rent em­ploy­ees are con­tac­ted daily by headhunters and offered nu­mer­ous other jobs, why should they stay with you? These are ques­tions that every em­ploy­er should ask them­selves.

Lead­er­ship comes with great re­spons­ib­il­ity. The way we lead is not only im­port­ant for ourselves, our per­form­ance, and our well­being, but also for the en­gage­ment, pro­ductiv­ity, and health of our em­ploy­ees as well as the per­form­ance of the or­gan­iz­a­tion. papilio de­veloped a state-of-the-art, com­pet­ency-based lead­er­ship model – the PROUD lead­er­ship com­pass – which in­cludes five key ele­ments of suc­cess­ful lead­er­ship. In our Lead­er­ship Academy, we offer a train­ing for first-time lead­ers which provides in­di­vidu­als with the know­ledge, com­pet­en­cies and tools needed to ef­fect­ively lead and man­age them­selves, their em­ploy­ees, and the or­gan­iz­a­tion.

Assessment & Development​

Provid­ing feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­text holds many be­ne­fits – it not only in­creases the in­di­vidu­al’s per­form­ance via ini­ti­at­ing de­vel­op­ment ac­tions, but it also fosters a cul­ture of trans­par­ency and feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion. Con­sid­er­ing feed­back from vari­ous per­spect­ives, known as 360° feed­back, can mul­tiply the be­ne­fi­cial fea­tures of feed­back, es­pe­cially when the com­pre­hens­ive res­ults are fa­cil­it­ated with a pro­fes­sion­al feed­back coach. papilio’s 360° feed­back solu­tion provides an all-in­clus­ive ser­vice to eval­u­ate, ana­lyse and de­vel­op rel­ev­ant com­pet­en­cies for in­di­vidu­als and com­pan­ies look­ing to en­cour­age tal­ent de­vel­op­ment. 

At papilio we be­lieve that people are a com­pany’s most valu­able asset. It is key to the com­pany’s suc­cess that it can main­tain a good repu­ta­tion on the mar­ket, at­tract tal­en­ted in­di­vidu­als and de­vel­op those already doing a good job for the or­gan­isa­tion.

But that is just the be­gin­ning!

We also need our em­ploy­ees to be mo­tiv­ated and en­gaged, enough to stay with the or­gan­isa­tion over time. We want our lead­ers to in­spire oth­ers and drive change in a VUCA world, set a good ex­ample for oth­ers and cre­ate work­ing con­di­tions that live up to the new gen­er­a­tion’s ex­pect­a­tions.

The mar­ket has changed from an em­ploy­er­’s mar­ket to an em­ploy­ee’s mar­ket and the war of tal­ent puts new de­mands on busi­nesses to de­liv­er what they prom­ise. Since it’s harder to re­cruit people from the out­side, it dra­mat­ic­ally raises the im­port­ance of de­vel­op­ing and tak­ing care of the people on the in­side.

Those are the people who will be­come to­mor­row’s lead­ers.

If your job ap­plic­ants can choose freely among nu­mer­ous of­fers, why should they join you?
If your cur­rent em­ploy­ees are con­tac­ted daily by headhunters and offered nu­mer­ous other jobs, why should they stay with you? These are ques­tions that every em­ploy­er should ask them­selves.

Lead­er­ship comes with great re­spons­ib­il­ity. The way we lead is not only im­port­ant for ourselves, our per­form­ance, and our well­being, but also for the en­gage­ment, pro­ductiv­ity, and health of our em­ploy­ees as well as the per­form­ance of the or­gan­iz­a­tion. papilio de­veloped a state-of-the-art, com­pet­ency-based lead­er­ship model – the PROUD lead­er­ship com­pass – which in­cludes five key ele­ments of suc­cess­ful lead­er­ship. In our Lead­er­ship Academy, we offer a train­ing for first-time lead­ers which provides in­di­vidu­als with the know­ledge, com­pet­en­cies and tools needed to ef­fect­ively lead and man­age them­selves, their em­ploy­ees, and the or­gan­iz­a­tion.

Talent Advisory​

Provid­ing feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­text holds many be­ne­fits – it not only in­creases the in­di­vidu­al’s per­form­ance via ini­ti­at­ing de­vel­op­ment ac­tions, but it also fosters a cul­ture of trans­par­ency and feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion. Con­sid­er­ing feed­back from vari­ous per­spect­ives, known as 360° feed­back, can mul­tiply the be­ne­fi­cial fea­tures of feed­back, es­pe­cially when the com­pre­hens­ive res­ults are fa­cil­it­ated with a pro­fes­sion­al feed­back coach. papilio’s 360° feed­back solu­tion provides an all-in­clus­ive ser­vice to eval­u­ate, ana­lyse and de­vel­op rel­ev­ant com­pet­en­cies for in­di­vidu­als and com­pan­ies look­ing to en­cour­age tal­ent de­vel­op­ment. 

At papilio we be­lieve that people are a com­pany’s most valu­able asset. It is key to the com­pany’s suc­cess that it can main­tain a good repu­ta­tion on the mar­ket, at­tract tal­en­ted in­di­vidu­als and de­vel­op those already doing a good job for the or­gan­isa­tion.

But that is just the be­gin­ning!

We also need our em­ploy­ees to be mo­tiv­ated and en­gaged, enough to stay with the or­gan­isa­tion over time. We want our lead­ers to in­spire oth­ers and drive change in a VUCA world, set a good ex­ample for oth­ers and cre­ate work­ing con­di­tions that live up to the new gen­er­a­tion’s ex­pect­a­tions.

The mar­ket has changed from an em­ploy­er­’s mar­ket to an em­ploy­ee’s mar­ket and the war of tal­ent puts new de­mands on busi­nesses to de­liv­er what they prom­ise. Since it’s harder to re­cruit people from the out­side, it dra­mat­ic­ally raises the im­port­ance of de­vel­op­ing and tak­ing care of the people on the in­side.

Those are the people who will be­come to­mor­row’s lead­ers.

If your job ap­plic­ants can choose freely among nu­mer­ous of­fers, why should they join you?
If your cur­rent em­ploy­ees are con­tac­ted daily by headhunters and offered nu­mer­ous other jobs, why should they stay with you? These are ques­tions that every em­ploy­er should ask them­selves.

Lead­er­ship comes with great re­spons­ib­il­ity. The way we lead is not only im­port­ant for ourselves, our per­form­ance, and our well­being, but also for the en­gage­ment, pro­ductiv­ity, and health of our em­ploy­ees as well as the per­form­ance of the or­gan­iz­a­tion. papilio de­veloped a state-of-the-art, com­pet­ency-based lead­er­ship model – the PROUD lead­er­ship com­pass – which in­cludes five key ele­ments of suc­cess­ful lead­er­ship. In our Lead­er­ship Academy, we offer a train­ing for first-time lead­ers which provides in­di­vidu­als with the know­ledge, com­pet­en­cies and tools needed to ef­fect­ively lead and man­age them­selves, their em­ploy­ees, and the or­gan­iz­a­tion.

Press Release​

Provid­ing feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­text holds many be­ne­fits – it not only in­creases the in­di­vidu­al’s per­form­ance via ini­ti­at­ing de­vel­op­ment ac­tions, but it also fosters a cul­ture of trans­par­ency and feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion. Con­sid­er­ing feed­back from vari­ous per­spect­ives, known as 360° feed­back, can mul­tiply the be­ne­fi­cial fea­tures of feed­back, es­pe­cially when the com­pre­hens­ive res­ults are fa­cil­it­ated with a pro­fes­sion­al feed­back coach. papilio’s 360° feed­back solu­tion provides an all-in­clus­ive ser­vice to eval­u­ate, ana­lyse and de­vel­op rel­ev­ant com­pet­en­cies for in­di­vidu­als and com­pan­ies look­ing to en­cour­age tal­ent de­vel­op­ment. 

At papilio we be­lieve that people are a com­pany’s most valu­able asset. It is key to the com­pany’s suc­cess that it can main­tain a good repu­ta­tion on the mar­ket, at­tract tal­en­ted in­di­vidu­als and de­vel­op those already doing a good job for the or­gan­isa­tion.

But that is just the be­gin­ning!

We also need our em­ploy­ees to be mo­tiv­ated and en­gaged, enough to stay with the or­gan­isa­tion over time. We want our lead­ers to in­spire oth­ers and drive change in a VUCA world, set a good ex­ample for oth­ers and cre­ate work­ing con­di­tions that live up to the new gen­er­a­tion’s ex­pect­a­tions.

The mar­ket has changed from an em­ploy­er­’s mar­ket to an em­ploy­ee’s mar­ket and the war of tal­ent puts new de­mands on busi­nesses to de­liv­er what they prom­ise. Since it’s harder to re­cruit people from the out­side, it dra­mat­ic­ally raises the im­port­ance of de­vel­op­ing and tak­ing care of the people on the in­side.

Those are the people who will be­come to­mor­row’s lead­ers.

If your job ap­plic­ants can choose freely among nu­mer­ous of­fers, why should they join you?
If your cur­rent em­ploy­ees are con­tac­ted daily by headhunters and offered nu­mer­ous other jobs, why should they stay with you? These are ques­tions that every em­ploy­er should ask them­selves.

Lead­er­ship comes with great re­spons­ib­il­ity. The way we lead is not only im­port­ant for ourselves, our per­form­ance, and our well­being, but also for the en­gage­ment, pro­ductiv­ity, and health of our em­ploy­ees as well as the per­form­ance of the or­gan­iz­a­tion. papilio de­veloped a state-of-the-art, com­pet­ency-based lead­er­ship model – the PROUD lead­er­ship com­pass – which in­cludes five key ele­ments of suc­cess­ful lead­er­ship. In our Lead­er­ship Academy, we offer a train­ing for first-time lead­ers which provides in­di­vidu­als with the know­ledge, com­pet­en­cies and tools needed to ef­fect­ively lead and man­age them­selves, their em­ploy­ees, and the or­gan­iz­a­tion.

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about papilio’s solu­tions, or are you in­ter­ested in an in­di­vidu­al offer? Com­plete the form below and we will con­tact you shortly.

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