Taliza Eicher
Project | Product Manager Digital Solutions & UX Designer
Diploma in Marketing Management (HTS)
T +41 44 380 22 44
Email taliza.eicher@papilio.ch

Tal­iza Eich­er star­ted her ca­reer at the Hilton Hotel. As a Group, Con­fer­ence and Events Sales Ex­ec­ut­ive she or­gan­ized board meet­ings and wed­ding events. In 2014, she star­ted her role as an Of­fice Man­ager at papilio, or­gan­iz­ing as­sess­ment and de­vel­op­ment cen­ters. To sup­port papilio’s grow­ing di­git­al di­vi­sion, she has worked as a pro­ject man­ager in the Di­git­al Solu­tions Team since 2017. In her role, she plans and im­ple­ments na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al as­sess­ments, trains our cli­ents in the use of our as­sess­ment solu­tions, and works on the con­tinu­ous de­vel­op­ment of our own di­git­al tal­ent plat­form. She com­pleted her three-year fur­ther edu­ca­tion pro­gram to be­come a “Mar­ket­ing Man­ager HF” in 2022. Tal­iza Eich­er likes to ex­press her cre­at­ive vibe through car­pentry and tail­or­ing.

Contact Us

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