Marcel Bernhardt
Office Manager
State-certified business economist
T +41 44 442 22 89

Mar­cel Bernhardt ori­gin­ally comes from the hotel in­dustry, where he worked for many years in lux­ury ho­tels in Switzer­land, Eng­land and Aus­tria. After com­plet­ing his stud­ies in busi­ness ad­min­is­tra­tion in Heidel­berg, he re­turned to Zurich, where he was most re­cently de­part­ment co-head at the Dolder Grand Hotel. At papilio he is re­spons­ible for the co­ordin­a­tion and sup­port of in­tern­al and ex­tern­al con­tacts as well as for the en­tire ad­min­is­tra­tion in his func­tion as Of­fice Man­ager. In his free time he can be found reg­u­larly in the moun­tains, both in sum­mer and winter, mainly moun­tain­eer­ing and climb­ing.

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