Ashkan Ghafoori
Office Administrator
Businessman in training
T +41 44 442 22 87

Ashkan Gha­foori is ori­gin­ally from Afgh­anistan. As papilio’s first com­mer­cial train­ee, he sup­ports the co­ordin­a­tion and sup­port of in­tern­al & ex­tern­al cus­tom­ers as well as the en­tire ad­min­is­tra­tion. In his free time he is an en­thu­si­ast­ic foot­ball play­er and spec­tat­or. He en­joys learn­ing new lan­guages and is es­pe­cially happy about every new Ger­man word he learns.

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about papilio’s solu­tions, or are you in­ter­ested in an in­di­vidu­al offer? Com­plete the form below and we will con­tact you shortly.

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