Plan & Transform​​​

We analyse, revise and create tools to help you build a strong foundation for your Talent Strategy implementation.

Talent Strategy

We create, review or update your frameworks based on the demands in your business area and define the needed level of skills in each function.


Your Talent Strategy

Based on your defin­i­tion of “po­ten­tial”, we will define your tal­ent man­age­ment strategy and de­vel­op a tail­or-made concept.


Your Talent Success

A thor­ough suc­ces­sion plan­ning pro­cess is key to sus­tain­able cor­por­ate suc­cess: we will sup­port you to achieve an ideal se­lec­tion and to de­vel­op your tal­ent pipeline.


Your Talent Mission

What skills and com­pet­en­cies will you need in the fu­ture and how will you de­vel­op these areas in a sus­tain­able fash­ion? We can make sure that your plan is aligned with your busi­ness strategy and that it con­tains spe­cif­ic ac­tion points.

Our ex­per­i­ence shows that a com­pany with a care­fully con­sidered tal­ent man­age­ment strategy be­ne­fits from sus­tain­able tal­ent de­vel­op­ment and makes an op­tim­ised use of its in­tern­al po­ten­tial. We sup­port you in the de­vel­op­ment and im­ple­ment­a­tion of your tailored tal­ent man­age­ment strategy. We collaborate with you to define your performance and potential matrix, your learning and development strategy, as well as your competency and capability models.

Your added value


We analyse, revise, and create tools to help you build a strong foundation for your talent strategy implementation.


We support you in your efforts to become a talent magnet and integrate new people into the organisation.


We look at how you can develop and retain your talents and create tools for effective and sustainable talent growth.

Competency & Capability Framework

It’s all part of the plan!

Competency Framework

Competency Framework

What specific competencies should be placed at the core of your talent strategy? We will collaborate with you to develop, review or update your tailored competency model based on the current and future demands in your business area.

Capability Framework

Capability Framework

Which services are provided by your internal teams and within the entire organisation? What skills and capabilities are required to deliver these services? We will work with you to develop, review or update your strategic capability framework and define the needed level of skills in each function.

Your added value


Having a clear view on company culture & values


Focusing on strengths and potential

Business Success

Qualified future leadership pipeline and secured succession management

Talent Attraction Strategy

Our holistic Talent Attraction Strategy aims to strongly position your company on the job market, as well as to implement professional recruiting strategies and processes. Together we build your reputation on the market and work towards becoming a talent magnet.

How do you find your ideal candidates? We work with you to define specific recruiting strategies and provide targeted training to your teams.

What kind of tools can you use in your recruitment efforts? We help you select the right tools and processes to be successful in attracting and selecting the right candidates, as well as to provide an excellent candidate journey. We also support you during the introduction and implementation phases.

We ensure that your talent attraction teams and your line managers are fully prepared for the interviews. We tailor our competency-based interview technique “CBI” (STAR methodology) to your needs.

What is important when choosing a suitable recruiting system? Make use of our longstanding experience with digital solutions for the implementation of your talent attraction strategy.

What is your EVP (Employee Value Proposition)? We develop specific measures so that your business and talent strategy stay aligned with your positioning on the job market and are perceived as genuine.

Your added value


We tailor our competency-based interview technique “CBI” (STAR methodology) to your needs.


Together with you we define optimal processes that fit your organisational culture, and support you in the introduction and implementation phases.


We develop specific measures to align your strategy with your positioning on the market to make a genuine impression. We also help you align your recruitment and development processes.

PROUD Leadership Compass

An excellent papilio tool to ensure continued development towards a high‑performing team – highly recommended also for executives and their leadership team.


Leaders inspire the team’s actions and decisions by giving them orientation and meaningfulness that everyone can work towards together.


Leaders can build sustainable relationships with their employees and stakeholders in many ways, including effective communication, trust building, psychological safety and appreciation.


Outcome-oriented leaders support their staff to successfully advance or complete a task or goal. They recognise and celebrate good performance by their team.


This refers to the ability of leaders in the organisation to foster a positive and supportive team culture.


Giving oneself fully to a task or goal – this is a skill leaders should foster in themselves as well as in their employees.

We at papilio know what makes great teams tick and can support you in assessing the “health“ of your team by gathering feedback on critical competencies related to effective and high performing teams with our Team Compass solution.

The papilio Leadership Academy offers leaders training that provides participants with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to effectively lead themselves, their employees and the organisation.

Your added value

Team building

Encouraging collaboration, teamwork, and a positive and supportive team culture


Giving team members the autonomy, resources, and support they need to take ownership of their work and apply their signature strengths.


Encouraging and modelling open and honest communication, giving positive feedback, active listening.

Organisational Development

Organisational Design

Building your Target-Operating-Model TOM

In a con­stantly chan­ging en­vir­on­ment, it is es­sen­tial that your or­gan­isa­tion and struc­ture are ad­ap­ted to your vision, mission and your long-term goals. Based on your strategy, we plan your tar­get or­gan­isa­tion with a struc­tured or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment approach and we then work out the ne­ces­sary steps for its im­ple­ment­a­tion. We sup­port you through­out the en­tire pro­cess of the or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment, both dur­ing the im­ple­ment­a­tion as well as the pro­ject and change man­age­ment phases.

A holistic approach

We work with a hol­ist­ic view of your com­pany dur­ing or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment: While con­stantly en­sur­ing that the align­ment to your busi­ness and tal­ent strategy are kept, we design the optimal struc­ture, gov­ernance and solution portfolio. By in­teg­rat­ing your tal­ent strategy, we also en­sure the long-term, sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment of your or­gan­isa­tion.

Reduced complexity

Our struc­tured ap­proach to or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment ensures that com­plex­ity is re­duced and ef­fi­ciency is in­creased, and that your or­gan­isa­tion is able to adapt flex­ibly to your long-term goals, challenges and business opportunities.

Talent Transformation​

Capturing untapped potential

In our dynamic business environment, focusing on new ways of working, new capabilities, and new technologies is the way to success, yet ensuring sustainable transformations is not easy to get right. At papilio we enable you to plan, lead and complete such talent transformations in alignment with your strategy while managing the business risks accordingly.

A structured process

Our proven approach guides you through the entire transformation, from tactical planning, evolutionary design, transformational planning up to revolutionary design-thinking. This approach ensures a rigorous focus on the outcome as well as planning the appropriate change management support & communication!

Change Management

Our DDDAE Model

Changes are an im­port­ant part of or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment, but they can also pose a risk to the smooth run­ning of day-to-day activ­it­ies. We sup­port you in the plan­ning, im­ple­ment­a­tion and re­view of such pro­cesses by applying our DDDAE Model: Diagnose, Design, Deliver, Accelerate & Evaluate. By doing so, we design your strategic communication plan to ensure your trans­form­a­tion ef­forts will sup­port your or­gan­isa­tion­al de­vel­op­ment in the long term, with a min­im­al im­pact on day-to-day activ­it­ies. In ad­di­tion to con­sult­ing your man­age­ment team, we will also sup­port your teams and take on the pro­ject man­age­ment tasks.

Your Added Value

Organizational Performance

Identify where changes may be needed for more effective organisational functioning.


Cultivate a leadership habitat of sustainable high performance over time.

Individual Potenial

Identify leadership behaviours that are either contributing to or hindering leaders from harnessing their full potential.

Please reach out to Malin Bleisch to learn more

Senior Consultant | Co-Lead Talent Advisory | MSc Psychology
T +41 44 380 22 44

Please reach out to Malin Bleisch to learn more

Senior Consultant | Co-Lead Talent Advisory | MSc Psychology
T +41 44 380 22 44

Contact Us

Would you like to know more about papilio’s solu­tions, or are you in­ter­ested in an in­di­vidu­al offer? Com­plete the form below and we will con­tact you shortly.

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