
You will find a se­lec­tion of trends, pub­lic­a­tions, stud­ies, sci­entif­ic art­icles and re­ports on cur­rent is­sues in the area of our core com­pet­ence. 


“Do I need a coach or a mentor?” We all need additional help and support at critical points in our


Teams are becoming increasingly vital in today’s workplace (West, 2001). As tasks and challenges become more complex, the need to


In Virtual Talent Reviews, papilio uses standardised, online-based tools and methods to assess the skills and behaviour of so-called “high


Provid­ing feed­back in an or­gan­iz­a­tion­al con­text holds many be­ne­fits – it not only in­creases the in­di­vidu­al’s per­form­ance via ini­ti­at­ing de­vel­op­ment


Lead­er­ship comes with great re­spons­ib­il­ity. The way we lead is not only im­port­ant for ourselves, our per­form­ance, and our well­being,


Many in­di­vidu­als as­pire to lifelong learn­ing and growth. Work­place de­vel­op­ment is vital for or­gan­iz­a­tions to at­tract, re­tain, and ad­vance tal­ent.


At papilio we be­lieve that people are a com­pany’s most valu­able asset. It is key to the com­pany’s suc­cess that

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Press Re­lease 30th of Ja­nu­a­ry 2024 Ex­pan­sion of papilio’s in­ter­na­tion­al activ­it­ies papilio ex­pands its local pres­ence in Ger­many by found­ing


Press Re­lease 21st of Sep­tem­ber 2023 papilio launches next gen­er­a­tion di­git­al tal­ent solu­tion en­abling hol­ist­ic tal­ent man­age­ment and ex­pands Board

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