Pascale Reymond
Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
BSc Psychology, Exec MBA HSG
T +41 44 380 22 44

Pas­cale Rey­mond, a trained Human Re­sources As­sist­ant and a Psy­cho­lo­gist with an Ex­ec­ut­ive MBA de­gree from St. Gal­len Uni­ver­sity, can count on many years of pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence as a Seni­or Con­sult­ant at SHL Ltd, as a Psy­cho­ther­ap­ist at the FOREL Clin­ic, and as a Human Re­sources As­sist­ant at Uni­lever (Switzer­land) Ltd. She leads vari­ous na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al pro­jects for large com­pan­ies in the field of as­sess­ment and man­age­ment de­vel­op­ment. As CEO and del­eg­ate of the board, she op­er­a­tion­ally led papilio from 2011 until 2020 and as­sumed her role as pres­id­ent of the board in 2021. She feels in­spired when trav­el­ing to for­eign coun­tries and dis­cov­er­ing new cul­tures.

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