Mirjam C. Britsch
Member of the Board of Directors
Dr. phil.
T +41 44 380 22 44
M +41 79 457 05 85
Email mirjam.britsch@papilio.ch

Mir­jam C. Britsch can look back on a long ca­reer in pro­ject man­age­ment for major na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al com­pan­ies, with­in the area of Man­age­ment De­vel­op­ment. She was the Di­vi­sion Head for ‘As­sess­ment and Tail­or-Made Solu­tions’ at the Swiss na­tion­al rail­way com­pany, SBB Ltd. There, she also worked as an or­gan­isa­tion­al psy­cho­lo­gist in the com­pet­ence centre for staff se­lec­tion. Pre­vi­ously, Mir­jam C. Britsch was a psy­cho­lo­gic­al ex­pert at the Psy­chi­at­ric Uni­ver­sity-Berne Poly­clin­ic. In her spare time, she can be found in her old home in Val­ais or row­ing on Lake Zug.

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