Petra Pätzold-Grünwald
MSc Psychology | MAS in Coaching FHNW
T +41 44 380 22 44
M +41 79 829 65 14

Petra Pätzold-Grün­wald com­pleted her stud­ies in Ap­plied Psy­cho­logy, spe­cial­iz­ing in Work & Or­gan­iz­a­tion­al Psy­cho­logy with a Mas­ter of Sci­ence de­gree. In ad­di­tion to that, she also has com­pleted spe­cial­ized train­ing courses in team- and lead­er­ship-coach­ing, re­si­li­ence, in­di­vidu­al psy­cho­logy, and adult edu­ca­tion. She also de­veloped a solid pro­fes­sion­al back­ground in the busi­ness sec­tor, where she was act­ive for sev­er­al years in the fin­an­cial sec­tor with a wide range of re­spons­ib­il­it­ies in Switzer­land and in Ger­many. At papilio, she man­ages cus­tom­er pro­jects in the fields of as­sess­ment and de­vel­op­ment, as well as sup­port­ing com­pan­ies in­ter­na­tion­ally and across sec­tors in the se­lec­tion and de­vel­op­ment of their ex­ec­ut­ives at all levels of man­age­ment. In her free time, she finds in­spir­a­tion by im­mers­ing her­self in nature and by trav­el­ing.

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